111 research outputs found

    Scalable and perceptual audio compression

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    This thesis deals with scalable perceptual audio compression. Two scalable perceptual solutions as well as a scalable to lossless solution are proposed and investigated. One of the scalable perceptual solutions is built around sinusoidal modelling of the audio signal whilst the other is built on a transform coding paradigm. The scalable coders are shown to scale both in a waveform matching manner as well as a psychoacoustic manner. In order to measure the psychoacoustic scalability of the systems investigated in this thesis, the similarity between the original signal\u27s psychoacoustic parameters and that of the synthesized signal are compared. The psychoacoustic parameters used are loudness, sharpness, tonahty and roughness. This analysis technique is a novel method used in this thesis and it allows an insight into the perceptual distortion that has been introduced by any coder analyzed in this manner

    Effect of Solid Properties on Axial Liquid Dispersion in Bubble Column

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    Experiments were conducted to study axial liquid dispersion coefficient in slurry bubble column of 0.15 m inside diameter and 1.6 m height using perforated plate gas distributor of 54 holes of a size equal to 1 mm diameter and with a 0.24 free area of holes to the cross sectional area of the column. The three phase system consists of air, water and PVC used as the solid phase. The effect of solid loading (0, 30 and 60 kg/m3) and solid diameter (0.7, 1.5 and 3 mm) on the axial liquid dispersion coefficient at different axial location (25, 50 and 75 cm) and superficial gas velocity covered homogeneous-heterogeneous flow regime (1-10 cm/s) were studied in the present work. The results show that the axial liquid dispersion coefficient increases with increasing superficial gas velocity, axial distance, solid concentration and an inverse relationship with particles diamete

    Study of Mechanical and Physical Properties of Epoxy Resins Supported by Natural Materials

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         في هذا البحث تم تحضير المواد المتراكبة بطريقة القولبة اليدوية (Hand layout) وتتكون المواد المتراكبة من مادة الاساس وهو (راتنج الايبوكسي) ومادة التقوية هي مسحوق (نوى الزيتون) وبحجم حبيبي مقداره (µm53) وبنسب وزنية مختلفة (% 3 ، 2.25 ، 1.5 ، 0.75 ،0) على التوالي، وتم دراسة (الشد و الصدمة) وايضا تم دراسة  (التوصيلية الحرارية) وأظهرت النتائج ان افضل نسبة كانت لاختبار الصدمة عند النسبة الوزنية (%1.5) وبالنسبة لاختبار التوصيلية الحرارية كانت افضل نتيجة عند النسبة الوزنية (%3)In this research the composites materials were prepared by (hand layout). The composites material consist of the base material (epoxy resin) and consist from the support material is the powder of olive seeds with micro size of this material is (53µm) with different weight ratios (0, 0.75, 1.5, 2.25, 3 %) respectively. Also (tensile and impact) and thermal conductivity were studied. The results showed that the best was to test the impact at the weight ratio (1.5 %). As for the thermal conductivity test was the best result in the weight ratio (3%)&nbsp

    Design and analysis of multiband circular microstrip patch antenna for wireless communication

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    The study proposes a novel Approach of Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Multi-Band. The Proposed Antenna Dimension is (40×30×1.6)mm^3 on the FR-4, Which has ε_r equals(4.3) and Loss tangent (0.002). Both Patches and Grounds are Copper Material With Thickness (0.035 mm) Five Bands are Achieved, At Resonance Frequencies (9.658 GHz), (11.68 GHz), (16.054 GHz), (21.28 GHz), and (29.704 GHz) Respectively. This Antenna Operates In Wireless Applications for Operation in The X-Band, Ku-Band, Ka-Band, K-Band, and 5G. Also it is Works for Radar, Satellite Communications, Wireless Network Computer, Medical Communication Devices, and Local Multi Point TV, to Detect Vehicles Speeding, Especially in Europe Vehicles Speeding, Especially in Europe. The Proposed Antenna is Effectively Manufactured and Checked Using a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) and is Simulation Using CST-MW Software version 2019

    Effect of Rootstock, Soil and Foliar Nutrition in Some Vegetative Characteristics Growth of Local Lemon Seedlings Citrus Limon L.

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    نفذت التجربة في الظلة الخشبية التابعة للكلية التقنية المسيب خلال الفترة من بداية شهر آذار ولغاية نهاية كانون الاول2017 على شتلات الليمون الحامض المحلي بعمر سبعة أشهر المطعمة على الأصلين البذريين النارنج والليمون الحلو لدراسة تأثير الأصلين والتغذية الأرضية بالسماد العضويTARASOIL CALCIO بتركيز(100 ,50 ,0مل.لتر-1) والتغذية الورقية بـDECSON بتركيز(0, 10, 20مل.لتر-1) لدراسة صفات النمو الخضري. تم التسميد الأرضي في 11/4 /2017 و 11 /5 /2017 و 11/9/2017  و 11/10/2017  والرش الورقي في 7/4/2017 و 7/5/2017 و 7/9/2017 و7/10/2017، طبقت التجربة بإتباع التصميم التام التعشية(C.R.D) بوصفة تجربة عاملية بثلاثة عوامل(2×3×3) وبثلاث مكررات وبثلاث شتلات لكل وحدة تجريبية و162 شتلة  في المجموع الكلي، حللت النتائج باستخدام برنامج التحليل الإحصائيExcel وقورنت المتوسطات وفق اختبار اقل فرق معنوي (L.S.D)عند مستوى احتمال0.05، كان لنوع الأصل تأثير معنوي في بعض صفات النمو الخضري لشتلات الليمون حامض المحلي إذ تفوق أصل الليمون الحلو بارتفاع النبات وعدد الأوراق ومساحة الورقة الواحدة في حين تفوق أصل النارنج معنويا بقطر الأصل وقطر الطعم. كما تفوق أصل الليمون الحلو+ 100مل.لتر-1سماد ارضي معنويا بارتفاع النبات، عدد الأوراق في حين تفوق أصل النارنج معنويا بقطر الساق، قطر الطعم، مساحة الورقة الواحدة وتفوق أصل الليمون الحلو+ 20مل.لتر-1 رش ورقي معنويا في ارتفاع النبات، عدد الأوراق، مساحة الورقة، في حين تفوق أصل النارنج معنويا في قطر الساق، قطر الطعم. واظهر التداخل(100مل.لتر-1TARASOIL CALCIO+20مل.لتر-1DECSON)تفوقا معنويا في جميع صفات  النمو الخضري وأظهرت معاملة التداخل الثلاثي(الأصل+100مل. لتر-1 سماد ارضي+ 20مل.لتر-1رش ورقي) تفوقاً معنوياً في ارتفاع النبات وقطر الطعم وعدد الأوراق ومساحة الورقة في حين تفوق أصل النارنج معنوياً بقطر الساق.      An experiment was conducted in the wooden canopy affiliated to the Technical College AL-Musaib during the period from the beginning of March until the end of December, 2017 on local lemon citron seedlings aged seven months and grafted on the two seed roots Sour orange and Sweet lemon to study the effect spray and soil fertilizers feeding of organic TARASOIL CALCIO with concentration(0, 50, 100)ml.L-1and sprays of DECSON with concentration of (0, 10, 20) ml. L-1to study the characteristics of vegetative, The soil fertilization in 11/4/2017, 11/5/2017, 11/9/2017 and  11/10/2017, foliar spray in 74//2017, 7/5/2017, 7/9/2017 and 7/10/2017, the experiment was applied by Completely Randomized Design(C.R.D)as factorial experiment(2×3×3) with three replicates and three seedling  and 162 seedlings as a total group, The results were analyzed using the statistical analysis program(Excel). The averages were compared according to the least significant difference(L.S.D)at a probability level of (0.05), The type of rootstock have a significant effect on vegetative, The rootstock of sweet lemon increased plant height, leaves the number, leaf area, while rootstock sour orange increased in the stem, Scion. Stalk of sweet lemon +100ml.L-1TARASOIL CALCIO had a suppressive  effect in plant height,  leaves number while rootstock sour orange suppressive in stock stem, Scion, leaf area, Stalk of sweet lemon +20 ml.L-1 DECSON had a suppressive effect in plant height, leaf number, leaf area while Sour crease stalk a suppressive in  main stem, Scion. sweet lemon stalk+100ml.L-1TARASOIL CALCIO+20 ml.L-1 DECSON had a suppressed in plant height, Scion, leaf number, leaf area, while stalk the orange had a suppressive effect in a stock stem

    Trust factors and their impact on patients satisfaction of private clinics in city of Ramadi - Iraq

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    The target of the research to identify the trust factors represented by (communication, competence, Service Quality) and its impact on the satisfaction of patients private medical clinics in the city of Ramadi, and for the purpose of achieving research objectives and reaching answers to questions (study problem), the Researchersadopted the analytical descriptive approach, a questionnaire was designed as a key tool for collecting preliminary data, and using the method (method) random sample, distributed (384) questionnaire forms to patients reviewing private medical clinics in the city, Of these, 368 were recovered, of which 11 were not eligible (invalid), bringing the number of questionnaires valid for statistical analysis (357) to 357, i.e. a response rate (93%) of recovered questionnaires, and the data analysis and statistically processed by the program (SPSS.V.26) as well as the statistical program (AMOS.V.26) , the most prominent findings of the research were the existence of a correlation and a positive effect with statistical significance between the factors Trust and patient satisfaction In addition, the results showed that the level of Trust of patients through their factors in the private medical clinics researched was at a (medium) level, as the contact came first and then solved the Competence second and the Service Quality iii, as well as the level of patient satisfaction with the medical services provided by the clinics in general was (average), and in the light of those results the Researchersmade a set of recommendations that could help medical clinic staff to enhance and increase the level of Trust of patients with them and strengthen them which reflects positively on the satisfaction of the patients and the permanence and prosperity of their relationship

    Synthesis and Characterization of copper oxide(II) nanoparticles prepared by hydrothermal process

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    تم استخدام طريقة الهدرجة الحرارية لتحضير جسيمات اوكسيد النحاس النانوية , يمكن تحضير جسيمات النحاس النانوية بدون استخدام المذيبات العضوية او مواد غالية الثمن بأستخدام الهدرجة الحرارية. حيود الاشعة السينية أكد بان جسيمات النحاس النانوية ذات تركيب احادي الميل , مع حجم حبيبي 20nm , كما ان التحليل بأستخدام مجهر القوة الذرية اوضح بأن قطر الحجم الحبيبي هو في ضمن المدى النانوي . التحليل بواسطة طيف ( FTIR )اكدت لنا بأن التركيب هو اوكسيد النحاس كما ان خصائص نمط الاهتزاز لأوكسجين-  نحاس تم تأكيده. تم دراسة الخواص البصرية بأستخدام الطيف المرئي للاشعة فوق البنفسجية والتي اوضحت بأن جسيمات النحاس تمتلك انحراف بأتجاه المنطقة المسماة (blue shift) , حيث تمتلك فجوة عالية طاقة (  (4.9eV, وان هذا ربما يعود الى تأثير الحصر الكمي لجسيمات اوكسيد النحاس النانوية.Hydrothermal process was  used to prepare CuO nanoparticles. CuO nanoparticles can be prepare without organic solvents, expensive raw materials by a hydrothermal method. XRD diffraction reveals that CuO nanoparticles have a monoclinic structure with particle size 20nm ,  and AFM analysis showed that the diameter of the Grain size is in a nanometer range. The analysis by FTIR spectra assure that the composition was CuO, and the  features of vibrational types of Cu–O were fixed. also the optical properties was analysed with UV–vis showed that  CuO nano particles have considerable a blue shift  , which have aband gab equal to (4.9 eV ) , and this is because the effect of quntum confienment of prepared CuO nano particles

    Synthesis and Characterization of copper oxide(II) nanoparticles prepared by hydrothermal process

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    تم استخدام طريقة الهدرجة الحرارية لتحضير جسيمات اوكسيد النحاس النانوية , يمكن تحضير جسيمات النحاس النانوية بدون استخدام المذيبات العضوية او مواد غالية الثمن بأستخدام الهدرجة الحرارية. حيود الاشعة السينية أكد بان جسيمات النحاس النانوية ذات تركيب احادي الميل , مع حجم حبيبي 20nm , كما ان التحليل بأستخدام مجهر القوة الذرية اوضح بأن قطر الحجم الحبيبي هو في ضمن المدى النانوي . التحليل بواسطة طيف ( FTIR )اكدت لنا بأن التركيب هو اوكسيد النحاس كما ان خصائص نمط الاهتزاز لأوكسجين-  نحاس تم تأكيده. تم دراسة الخواص البصرية بأستخدام الطيف المرئي للاشعة فوق البنفسجية والتي اوضحت بأن جسيمات النحاس تمتلك انحراف بأتجاه المنطقة المسماة (blue shift) , حيث تمتلك فجوة عالية طاقة (  (4.9eV, وان هذا ربما يعود الى تأثير الحصر الكمي لجسيمات اوكسيد النحاس النانوية.     Hydrothermal process was  used to prepare CuO nanoparticles. CuO nanoparticles can be prepare without organic solvents, expensive raw materials by a hydrothermal method. XRD diffraction reveals that CuO nanoparticles have a monoclinic structure with particle size 20nm ,  and AFM analysis showed that the diameter of the Grain size is in a nanometer range. The analysis by FTIR spectra assure that the composition was CuO, and the  features of vibrational types of Cu–O were fixed. also the optical properties was analysed with UV–vis showed that  CuO nano particles have considerable a blue shift  , which have aband gab equal to (4.9 eV ) , and this is because the effect of quntum confienment of prepared CuO nano particles

    Geometrical Design Errors in Duhok Intersections by Driver Behavior

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    في حالات عديده وعندما يتأكد سائقو المركبات من عدم وجود نظام مراقبه مروري، يميل البعض الى اختصار زمن ومسافة مساراتهم عبر التقاطعات. يشجع هذا التصرف عندما يعاني التصميم الهندسي للتقاطع من الاخطاء او عندما يصعب التصميم وحاله الطريق من سلوك الاتجاه الصحيح. وقد يكون تصميم الطريق مربكا للسائق لكي يميز وجهته الصحيحة. في هذه الدراسة تم اختيار وملاحظه موقعين يمتازان بكثره الاخطاء المرورية. أحد الموقعين هو دوره تقع ضمن الحرم الجامعي في جامعه دهوك. الأخر هو تقاطع يقع خارج البوابة الشرقية الرئيسية لجامعه دهوك. في كلا الموقعين كان التصميم الهندسي مربكا ويشجع على ارتكاب الاخطاء المرورية. كان التقاطع الدائري في الجامعة بعيدا عن التصميم الصحيح. شجع هذا التصميم القيادة بالاتجاه الخطأ وكان سببا في وقوع بعض الحوادث المرورية. كانت نسبه القيادة بالاتجاه الخطأ في احد المقتربات تصل الى (%32) في وقت الذروة. تم تقليل هذه النسبة الى (%6) بعد نصب جزيرة تقسيم وسطيه مؤقته. كانت نسبه القيادة بالاتجاه المعاكس في المقترب الثاني (%15) ولم يتوفر علاجا مناسبا لهذه الحالة. كانت نسبة القيادة بالاتحاد الخاطئ تصل الى (%56) في اتجاه المرور الخارج من بوابه الجامعة باتجاه الطريق الرئيسي في وقت الذروة. تم تقليل هذه النسبة الى (%14) عند نصب اشاره دلاله على الاتجاه. تم تقليل هذه النسبة الى (%9) عند الاستعانة برجل مرور يقف عند التقاطع.In many situations, drivers if certain of the absence traffic monitoring system tend to shorten their driving paths and travel time across intersections. This behavior will be encouraged if the geometrical design suffers from mistakes, or the geometrical design and road conditions make it harder for drivers to follow the correct routes. Sometimes the intersection arrangement is confusing for the driver to distinguish the right from the wrong track. In this study, two sites with large number of driving mistakes were noticed. One site is a roundabout within the university of Duhok campus. The other is the intersection just outside the University of Duhok eastern main gate. At both sites, the geometry is very confusing and encourage driving mistakes. The university roundabout which was the first site investigated, was not properly designed encouraging wrong side driving. Many traffic accidents took place at this roundabout.  Wrong side driving reaches 32 % at peak hour in one approach.  This was reduced to 6% when temporary divisional island was installed. The other approach has a 15% wrong side driving and no remedy could be done to it. At the intersection near the university gate, wrong side driving reaches 56% of the traffic emerging from the main gate at peak hour. This was reduced to 14% when drivers are guided through direction sign. This percentage was reduced further to 9% with standing policeman

    Assessment of Science Teachers' Awareness towards Immunity and Immunization in Primary School at Baghdad City

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    Abstract:Objectives: To assess of Science Teachers' Awareness towards immunity and immunization in Baghdad City Primary Schools Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted, included (100) primary school,(50) in Al Rassafa sector, and (50) in Al Karkh sector, from March 5th 2012 to March 15th 2013, to assess of science teachers' awareness towards immunity and immunization. A cluster sample of (100) Science teachers (males and females) were selected, as one teacher from each school. A questioner format was used for data collection. The validity of questioner was estimated through a penal of experts related to the field of study, and its reliability was estimated through a pilot study conducted in (20) schools is excluded from the original sample which included (20) teachers from April 8th 2012 to April 14th 2012. Data were analyzed through the application of descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. Results: The results of the study indicated that (78%) of sample were female, and (39%) of them their ages were between (30-39) years old, (65%) of them were married, while (21%) of them were single, and (50%) of them were institute graduates. Also the study indicated that (26%) of teachers had (15–19) years of employment in teaching sector. Furthermore, (58 %) of sample had no opportunity to be involved in training courses concerning communicable diseases control. The results of this study indicate that, teachers' awareness was poor (in adequate awareness) towards immunity and immunization against communicable diseases in Baghdad City Primary Schools Conclusion: The study concluded that teachers' awareness towards immunity and immunization in Baghdad primary schools was poor.Recommendations: The study recommends that there is a need for cooperation between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education on writing a book systematically for primary schools about the nature of the transitional diseases and how to control them through immunity and immunization, and Emphasis on continuous sessions concerning communicable diseases control for teachers in all primary schoolsKeyword: Assessment, Awareness, Communicable diseases, Immunity, Immunization